Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 5, 2012

Deadly Ferrari crash caused by Sichuan rich man angers Singaporean public

Deadly Ferrari crash angers Singaporean public

Recently, the anti-foreigners sentiments have been whipped up among the Singaporean locals, after a horrific accident involving a Ferrari, a taxi and a motorcycle, which killed three people. On the Singaporean online space, there were many voices of driving out expats from Mainland, China.
Reportedly, The accident occurred in the early hours of May 12′s morning in Singapore, when a luxury red Ferrari ran a red night at high speed to smash head-on into the side of a taxi at the junction of Rochor Road and Victoria Street. The Ferrari driver, Ma Chi, 31 years old, was pronounced dead right at the scene, while the female passenger in the Ferrari, in her 20s, and the cab driver, in his 50s, died later in the hospital due to serious injuries.
Ma Chi was from Sichuan Province, working as a financial investor. He first came to Singapore four years ago with his wife and child, and was now applying for permanent residency in Singapore.
It was said Ma Chi’s wife, Ting Ting, was surprised to know there was a young lady in her husband’s car, and wanted to know the lady’s identity, who was said to be from Japan.
The accident prompted Singaporean netizens to attack their government’s immigration policy, which they said have made Singapore “crowded and dangerous,” and to call expats from Chinese Mainland as “the rich locusts” as an insult.

source: Sohu

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