Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 6, 2012

Paris Hilton sexy and cars

(Cars Girls Sexy Cool) - Paris Hilton is the first person to become famous for no apparent reason. She has been below the radar lately. We haven't been invited on one of her sexapades in years and I have finally worn out her best selling album by listening to it continuously! I am happy to learn that she has plans for releasing a new single June 23rd while she is on stage at the Pop Music Festival in Brazil. Perez Hilton (no relation, thank God!) has also mentioned on his website that Paris plans on trying her hand at DJing. Whoa! I guess since she has been seen on and off with Afrojack, a pretty famous DJ himself, she has taken up the hobby. Hopefully he has taught her a few things about the business. Being a DJ could turn out to be the best job ever for Paris! She can do the things she is used to doing... partying, drinking, looking hott and staying out all night and get paid for it. Maybe turning 30 has mellowed out this wild child.
Paris Hilton sexy and cars images:
Paris Hilton Bentley
Paris Hilton Bentley
Paris Hilton Bentley
Paris' Ferrari CaliforniaParis Hilton Ferrari
Paris Hilton Ferrari
Paris' Lexus LFAParis Hilton LFA
Paris Hilton LFA
Paris Hilton LFA
Paris' Yukon HybridParis Hilton Yukon
Paris' Cadillac EscaladeParis Hilton Escalade
Paris' Rolls Royce GhostParis Hilton Rolls Royce
Paris Hilton PhotosParis Hilton
Paris Hilton

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