Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 10, 2009

Travolta Case Continues Amid New Paramedic Rumours

Travolta Case Continues Amid New Paramedic

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John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston were back in court in the Bahamas today, as the trial of a paramedic and a politician accused of trying extort money from the pair continues.
The furore surrounds the death in January of Travolta and Preston’s autistic son Jett.
Pleasant Bridgewater and Tarino Lightbourn allegedly asked for $25 million for the return of documents surrounding Jett’s tragic death.
Meanwhile, another paramedic who treated Jett has gone to the National Enquirer, claiming the boy had been dead “7 or 8 hours” when he was discovered.
Marcus Garvey claims he heard rumours Jett’s carers were partying when they should have been keeping an eye on him.
Garvey says, “The pupils were fully dilated and fixed, indicating he was dead. His body was cold and rigor mortis had set in. Pooling of the blood in part of the body told me had been dead seven or eight hours….
“We heard stories about the nannies partying at the beach the night before.”

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